Shoulder Pain Symptoms

Shoulder pain can occur for several reasons including tendonitis, bursitis, injury, instability, and arthritis. Pain may also arise as a result of frozen shoulder or issues with the rotator cuff. Pretty much anything from a car accident to a chronic condition can cause shoulder pain. Symptoms of shoulder injuries may produce chronic pain, acute pain, twinges or aches, and decreased function of the arm. Overuse and different types of injuries can also have a great impact on shoulder pain.

Chiropractic Care For Shoulder Pain

The chiropractors at Benson Chiropractic in San Francisco can have a tremendous impact on the level of pain a person can experience. Our goal with chiropractic care is to help people with shoulder pain find an alternative solution so they can avoid pain medications and an evasive procedure. Before a chiropractic adjustment, our doctor will examine the neck area to check for any abnormalities or subluxations in the cervical spine that could be causing shoulder pain.

To learn more about how chiropractic care can help you find pain relief for shoulder pain, call Benson Chiropractic in San Francisco at (415) 933-7788 to schedule a consultation today.



Come into Benson Chiropractic for a chiropractic consultation to learn how we can help improve your condition.